
Archive for the ‘Poly-Ticks (and other parasites)’ Category


October 12th, 2009 No comments


April 6th, 2009 No comments

The G20 leaders display the gravitas necessary to reassure a nervous public that all will be well.

Hope And Regime Change

February 24th, 2009 No comments

Funny, sad, or really really frightening?

April 30th, 2005 No comments

An email exchange regarding the above (4/29/05) Day by Day strip:

Z: Funny, sad, or really really frightening?

M: They like to know where at least *one* of the other guy’s hands is.

Poll: Next Islamic Nuclear State

July 14th, 2004 No comments

And now for something completely different!

For my first try at a web poll, let’s go with an international relations question:

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Pakistan has already become the world’s first Islamic nuclear state. Which country do you think will become the second?






Current results

Separated at Birth?

July 2nd, 2004 No comments

John Forbes Kerry and Lurch.

Monstrous Lackey With No Independant Brain and Bad Hair Monstrous Lackey With No Independant Brain and Great Hair

You decide.

UPDATE: Thanks to Dawn Eden for the link and the kind words.

I didn’t think of it all by myself — I woke up to the alarm Thursday set to WJR to hear Paul W. Smith saying the fateful words:

“So, do you think Senator Clinton will be Lurch’s running mate?”

Since I couldn’t get the image out of my head, I decided to share it with everyone else, too.

(The answer is apparantly “no”.)

One Politician I Would Actually Trust

July 29th, 2002 No comments

Just went back through my old town this weekend on the way to some family R&R, and was pleasantly surprised to find the place covered with “Bruce Caswell for State Representative” signs. Mr. Caswell was my math teacher from 7th grade on (except for 8th grade, where he was detoured into English for some administrative reason I never understood). He was also the track coach. All the cliche’s about a fantastic teacher and/or coach making an incredible difference in kid’s lives — well, they’re true.

I hope he makes it. Besides, it’ll be nice to know someone in the legislature.

Defense Is More Than Having Bigger Bombs

May 29th, 2002 No comments

For example, being able to do for yourself without depending on foreign sources? Pat Buchanan has an interesting article, The Hollowing Out of America, discussion the collapse of our manufacturing base and the Third-Worlding of our economy.