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Press Roundoup

January 28th, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

More regarding the departure from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church and the formation of the Anglican Church of Livonia:

‘StJohnsPriest’ posts the letter that Wendell +Gibbs sent around the diocese concerning our departure:

Priest leaves, faithful follow” from the Detroit News. Overall, a good and fair writeup. Unfortunately, the archived article now drops the photo from the print version that showed my daughter.

The Episcopal News Service picks up the story.

So does The Record (the diocesan paper).

The American Anglican Council blog runs our press release.

Michigan Parish Splits Despite ‘Gracious’ Effort By Bishop” — a rather odd article from The Living Church:

The rector and a number of members from St. Andrew’s Church in Livonia, Mich., have left the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Michigan, despite what a bishop who belongs to the Anglican Communion Network (ACN) described as “sincere and gracious” efforts by the Bishop of Michigan to arrange adequate episcopal care….

The editorial glitch is that the “gracious” quote used to title and lead the article is never actually attributed. They do quote +Ackerman (who is an ACN bishop) later in the article, so presumably he’s the source, but the article as written doesn’t say that.

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