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Preach It, Brother Dale!!

October 9th, 2002 Leave a comment Go to comments

Dale Price has a great takedown of Richard Dawkin’s idiotic bigotry.

Choice Dawkins quote:

Regarding the accusations of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests, deplorable and disgusting as those abuses are, they are not so harmful to the children as the grievous mental harm in bringing up the child Catholic in the first place.

Yes, Dawkins is claiming that to raise a child Catholic (or Protestant, or even Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, or almost any historic faith) is worse than child rape.

To top it off, he even claims that besides, fondling kids isn’t such a big deal:

… I suspect that most of the sexual abuse priests are accused of is comparatively mild – a little bit of fondling perhaps, and a young child might scarcely notice that.

“Schmuck” is the most charitable word I can come up with.

In case you think I’m misrepresenting Dawkins, you can read his twaddle yourself and decide if I’m being unfair to the Great Clearthinking Rationalistâ„¢ basking in “the glories of true understanding” (yes, that’s his phrase).

schmuck, n. See Dawkins, Richard.

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