September 30th, 2002 Leave a comment Go to comments
Abuse of Language, #3428193

I made the mistake of reading the ingredients list on the package of Hain’s corn cakes that we were snacking on. Now, I like Hain’s food — it tastes good, it’s organic, etc.

The snack in question was caramel corn cakes (rice-cake-like things, except made out of corn and sweet). The second or third ingredient was listed as “dehydrated cane juice.”

In English, that’s known as sugar.

Am I surprised? Not by the fact that something with caramel has (gasp, shock) sugar lurking within. I know how caramel is made. I’ve made it myself. I expect to see “sugar” on the ingredients list.

What I didn’t expect was the attempt at duplicity. I suppose someone in marketing thought it’d be a bad idea for a snack posing as healthy to have the word “sugar” prominent in the ingredients. So, they are, in effect, trying to lie about what is in their snack (oh, within the limits of the law, I’m sure).


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