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Respective Crises

“Philothea” nails it in an email to the Heart, Mind, and Strength blog:

[T]he wonderful thing about the crisis in the Catholic church (as opposed to the Episcopal church) is that you are simply dealing with sin while we are dealing with heresy.

How true (see Borg, Marcus and Spong, John Shelby). I’m still utterly shocked, appalled, flabbergasted, and yes, scandalized to see Jesus Seminar tripe handed out for consumption by new confirmands:

The purpose of the group is to support and encourage one another as they try to live out their Baptismal Covenant, to explore and challenge their understanding of Christian faith by reading appropriate books, to deepen and strengthen their faith that they might more effectively demonstrate their faith in daily life…

I guess I must be one of those right-brained, analytical types, no doubt caught up in hidebound tradition, because I just can’t get my head around how denying the content of the Creeds (contained within the Baptismal Covenant) can deepen one’s faith.

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